We are pleased to announce that the film Xaraasi Xanne (Crossing voices) by Raphaël Grisey and Bouba Touré has just won two awards at the Cinéma du Réel festival in Paris: the Award of the Institut Français and above all the Young Jury Award, which is a real achievement for a film that aims to transmit an unknown and utopian story of return to the land for migrant workers in the Sahel region.

Institut Français – Louis Marcorelles Award
Laudatum jury
For its essential view of the place and role of immigrant workers in France and in their own country. For the singular quality of the personal archives accumulated over a whole lifetime. For the convergence of social and political struggles in a moving cinematographic gesture that pays tribute to the children of a colonised people, forgotten by history. Xaraasi Xanne (Crossing Voices) by Raphaël Grisey and Bouba Touré.
Ciné + Young Jury Award
Laudatum jury
For having shown us ardently and forcefully the emancipatory saga of the generations of women and men who arrived from Africa, for having given a new momentum to the story of these struggles concealed in our national narrative, for the intergenerational transmission of the know-how of rural folk and their transnational militant ties, to pay tribute to a filmmaker who has passed his voice down to us – a voice through which we can hear the fate of thousands of others. Xaraasi Xanne (Crossing Voices) by Raphaël Grisey and Bouba Touré.

A co-production Spectre Productions, WeltFilm (Germany) and The Dark

With the “Image/mouvement” support of the Centre national des arts plastiques
With the support of the Région Ile-de-France

In association with
ARTE France – La Lucarne