Scheduled for release in France in 2025 / Documentary feature film

Mona Convert

Length 70 mn / Language French

Distributed by The Dark

A Triptyque Films production (France), in co-production with Kintop (Portugal)


In the Landes forest, a family passes down the secrets of fire from generation to generation. Under the eyes of animals, the days and the nights succeed one another. The father, Patrick, eats grass. The daughter, Margot, explodes. The child, Jean, codes firefly arrangements.


With the participation of TV7 Bordeaux & KANALDUDE

With the support of the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, in partnership with the CNC and the assistance of ALCA

With the support of Ciclic-Région Centre-Val de Loire, in partnership with the CNC

With the participation of the CNC

With the support of the PROCIREP – Société des producteurs and the ANGOA

apoio Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian


With: Margot Auzier, Patrick Auzier, Jean Pujol-Auzier

Cinematography, screenplay, director: Mona Convert
Sound: Carlos Filipe Cavaleiro
Sound backup: Pierre Bompy & Paul-Axel Bernard
Camera operator: Tao Rousseau
Script consultant: Simon Kansara
Editing consultant: Mario Espada
Editing: Nicolas Bancilhon
Sound editing: Jean Holtzmann
Sound effects: Daniel Gries
Mixing: Romain Ozanne
Color timer: Gonçalo Ferreira
Music: Bernard Lubat & Fabrice Vieira
Fireworks: Margot Auzier & Patrick Auzier

Producer: Guillaume Massart


Scheduled for release in France on 30th april 2025

Distributed by THE DARK

In charge of international festivals: Pascale Ramonda
French & international press: Florence Alexandre – Anyways
